Bucket Brigade - Pass
small buckets full of holes filled with water down the line of team
members. Everyone must pas the small buckets to fill up a large
bucket. (Repeat until large bucket is full)
Catapult Volleyball – Team members use
towels or sheets to catch and toss the ball from one side of the net to the
other. This may also be done with water balloons.
Over Under
– Team members pass a giant
beach ball over their head and then between the
legs of the next in line and so on down the row with the last person running
up to the front to start it all over again. Relay continues until the leader
of the game is back in the front.
Sand Ski Relay -
Team members walk in cadence on the "sand ski" apparatus to the finish line.
Obstacle Course Relay - Teams race each
through their team's course. Players go through a tunnel,
over and under equipment, and bounce their way back to the finish line.

Slingshot – Three members of
each team must work the catapult and try to launch their bomb (ball) into the
safety net (large bucket or sheet) which the rest of the team is holding. The
team who catches the most bombs wins.
Coconut Bump- Players wrap
a nylon stocking
around their waist. A croquet ball is inside of one of the legs of the
stocking. Players must swing their hips to create a pendulum effect with
the croquet ball to knock the coconut across the playing field to the finish
Crazy Clothes Relay - Put on a crazy
costume and then spin around the izzy dizzy stick.
Races -
Teams race two players at a time. The play
er in the kayak provides
forward movement the other team member (towed behind the kayak) rides on
an inner tube armed with a water gun which is used for offensive and defensive
Inner tube Relay - Players sit in inner
tubes and race around a buoy and back.
Tug-a-war -
goes your team as they pull their opponents over the line.
Potato Pass – Pass the potato down the
line of your teammates using only your knees.
Sack Races -
Jump to success in a potato
Target Practice-
Using water guns, team
members shoot streams of water to knock down the targets. This is a less
physical event, yet is still challenging in testing participants
Horseshoe Tournament -
Team members go for the ringers
in the horseshoe tournament.
Volleyball Tournament
Bump, set, and spike in traditional or our accelerated
version of volleyball.
Tribal Games are also available. Please call for details